Neck Injuries and Whiplash Neck Injury

Treatment of neck injuries, cervical spine injuries and Whiplash symptoms.

Don't despair. Many neck and cervical spine injuries, including Whiplash symptoms can be successfully treated without surgery.

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More Neck Anatomy Information to read:

Neck Injury Information

This website provides educational information on the following subjects: wry neck, neck mass, sore neck, neck ache, trapezius, neck bone, neck bones, neck brace, stiff neck, human neck, neck spasm, neck braces, torticollis, neck pillow, neck tension, neck muscles, neck weights, neck coolers, neck diagram, neck pillows, swollen neck, pain in neck, neck anatomy, lump in neck, neck problems, neck workouts, neck exercise, neck swelling, shoulder pain, neck cracking, neck traction, head neck pain, neck stretches, neck exercises, neck stiffness, my neck my back, cure stiff neck, lower back pain, front neck pain, neck muscle pain, sudden neck pain, neck pain causes.

Whiplash Symptoms  
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  Useful Head and Neck Injuries links:

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  Whiplash Symptoms
whiplash neck injury
  Welcome to the neck injury information site. If you have found this site because you are suffering from neck pain, the first thing you should know is that you should not despair. What this site hopes to do is to provide you with general educational information about the many non-surgical cervical neck pain treatments available. With the correct combination of treatments, many neck aches and neck strains will improve greatly. For example, did you know that there is more and more MRI evidence to suggest that up to 90% of all cervical disc injuries improve dramatically without the need for neck fusion or cervical neck surgery? Many surgeons will now tell you that disc removal is often the last course of action, even in the case of whiplash syndrome. Whiplash symptoms like many other forms of chronic neck pain can be treated non-surgically. There are a huge number of conservative neck and shoulder pain treatments to discover including the neck cooler, the neck traction device, neck massage or even a mechanical neck massager. Neck pillows such as the neck roll pillow, buckwheat pillow, neck travel pillow and Tempur Pedic® pillows can also help everything from a whiplash neck injury to neck bone spurs. Orthopedic and chiropractic neck support pillows can help you sleep more comfortably and thus aid the healing process.

Many of the causes of a stiff, painful neck and general neck muscle pain are treatable. Non-surgical treatments for everything from a pinched nerve in the neck to whiplash symptoms are available. Remember, stay positive as a neck injury can take a long time to heal but there are many things you can do to help cure cervical neck pain. If you have, or suspect you may have a neck health problem, always talk to your health care professional for diagnosis and treatment advice.
  This website provides educational information on the following subjects: neck pain relief, leatt neck brace ™, neck bone pillow, stiff neck causes, head neck anatomy, chronic neck pain, sore neck muscles, orthopedic pillows, neck muscle spasms, pain shoulder neck, sharp pain in neck, neck shoulder pain, tight neck muscles, pinched nerve neck, neck muscle anatomy, symptoms stiff neck, neck brace products, anatomy of the neck, treat pinched nerve, neck support pillow, neck fusion surgery, neck traction device, stiff neck shoulders, stiff neck treatment, upper back neck pain, pinched nerve in neck, posterior neck muscles, neck fat.   
  Whiplash Neck Injury links:
  Core strengthening exercises are recommended by many physiotherapists treating neck pain, as  poor posture can, in turn, put excess strain on the muscles and ligaments of the neck and cervical spine. An exercise ball workout regime or stomach flattening exercise program can help stabilise the spine and reduce neck pain. For more information on Core exercise and  strengthening  Click Here!

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  Core Strengthening
Core Strengthening Exercises
  Malton Schexneider Neck Pain Expert  

" My name is Malton Schexneider and for the past 25 years I have been a nationally known educator, university professor, published author, and practicing clinical specialist in orthopedic physical therapy. I am regarded by my profession as a master clinician (which represents only about 5% of all physical therapists) and earned that title by maintaining a laser focus on becoming the best at what I do. In addition to my clinical practice, I have been an author and contributor to several prestigious publications including...

  Neck and Bac kPain resources

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